Adventures In HomeSchool

Well aren't these some interesting times to be living in? I truly believe all of this is happening FOR us and to bring about a mass awakening. As Tupac said "the old way wasn't workin' so it's on us to do what we gotta do to survive". This time is meant to be a sacred pause for all of us and for Mama Gaia, who needs some serious healing after how we've abused her. So we are being asked to go inward and be home, be home with the people we love most, our family.
So now we are here and all the children have been forced to stay home from school and daycare, but the learning cannot stop. Many schools are going virtual, which hello! it's 2020, this should be the way, but a lot of parents are taking it upon themselves to do homeschooling. I am one of them. A little bit about how we got here, present social distancing excluded. . .
My son Bryson has been receiving early development services in some capacity since about last May. These are free services, and each company comes to your house and works with your child who is not at the developmental level they should be. Bryson received Speech therapy since April, and Occupational and Behavioral therapy since August. When your child turns 3 they age out of these services and the school would take over. But our catch 22 is not being able to put Bryson in school after not continuing to va((inate him after his va((ine injury. In this case, insurance is supposed to pick it up and usually, you would switch companies of each service now that it's being funded differently. Now, all of this is contingent on a variety of tests and evaluations Bryson must take proving essentially he needs the extra help to thrive. I had been trying to get appointments for him since January so there would not be a lapse in service but due to the amount of children in need, they couldn't schedule all of these until right before and right after he turned 3. Because of this, I did expect a small lapse and was hoping to take the guys back to NY for a visit. Bryson turned 3 on Friday and that Monday, all the centers called me to cancel the tests and evaluations. Some were not even rescheduling at this point, others moved them to mid April. Due to this, and these new restrictions placed on us, I can't take them to NY in April and we do not know when Bryson will get his services back again.
I took this all as sign from the Universe as a push back on travel (now isn't the right time to go) and that I was being called to learn something from all of this. I had a feeling I was going to have to homeschool my children anyway, which I am totally fine with, I actually do not agree with how linear and institutionalized school and feel it is very one-size-fits all and because of that children who learn differently cannot flourish, but I was hoping to either find a community or have someone come in and do this as I am not a teacher. Also, I am one person who manages 2 other people 24/7. I have to be mom, run my business, be someone's partner in life/parenting and do my job around the house. I really didn't think I had the capacity to add teacher to this too.
Until I changed my thinking and saw what a blessing this was. I can teach them what I want, how I want and it can be really fun! Over the last 4 days we have had a blast! Bryson's therapists gave me all sorts of tools to help, plus I have been extremely active in every single session he has had. I am starting at a 2 year old level, which although Bryson is beyond that, it will build his confidence and I have zero doubts about Christian keeping up. So twice a day for a half hour to 45 minutes we do structured activities. I am so not your traditional mom so we've done yoga, I used my Grace Cards Oracle deck (this is great because it teaches about trust, unconditional love, awakening, prayer, rest, beauty, compassion and so much more), loads of sensory activities, baking some nourishing treats and dance parties! And if one day or one session doesn't go as planned, we won't beat ourselves up. Now is the time to go easy on ourselves.
I want to share with you all some of the stuff we have been getting into!
The guys love Cosmic Kids Yoga on YouTube, especially the Old MacDonald one. Bryson loves farm animals and this video isn't super long, so it keeps his attention. They have loads of other ones though!
Another fun thing is keeping in touch with family and friends via FaceTime! We have a playdate with our besties today and can't wait.
Speaking of a dance party, we (and I totally also mean I) love this little freeze dance. It's like a mini rave and it's helpful to teach kids to follow directions.
I broke out their old duck tub and filled it with water beads which are an excellent sensory tool. Then I seperated some into a few bowls and used an empty egg carton to let them sort them. This project was messy, especially with carpet, but it vacuums right up.
We practice taking turns on the basketball net. This is a huge concept for kids to grasp. Also, whenever they make it, we do a huge celebration and they get so proud of themselves.
Baking! I don't love baking myself because anything with a lot of instructions or involves patience isn't really my thing lol but I can get down with throwing a few things together to create something healthy since I don't let them have white sugar. We made oat cookies or bars. I prepped all the ingredients and let Bryson pour them and mix them with his (washed) hands. Here is the recipe if you want to try yourself! You can do a no bake version as well and just put them in the fridge in an air tight container. (My ingredients are all organic and I always recommend others to take that route as well.)
- Rolled oats
- Raw honey
- Chia seeds
- Cacao nibs
- Arrowroot powder
- Unsweetened coconut shreds
- Banana
- Almond butter
- Cacao, reishi adaptogens
- Ground flax seed powder
Mix well in a bowl, let your kiddo use their clean hands! Distribute evenly on cookie pan. Bake for about 10 - 12 minutes.
Finally, I want to introduce you Soulcialites to one of the best and most creative homeschooling resources around, my sweet friend Sarah. She posts the BEST DIY projects, uses so many mediums to create, incorporates nature. . . everything she posts I am blown away and am always like "how did she come up with that"! She even sent Bryson a Halloween sensory box as a big brother gift after Christian was born and sent us some of her essential oil scented homemade play dough! She does have an Etsy shop which will reopen over the summer but follow her on IG for the best learning tools you can ever find. Below is an image from her page, @inspiredlittlelearner just to show you one of her many beautiful crafts.
Leave me a comment below, I'd love to hear what you are doing with your littles in this time home!
Lastly, I am doing a giveaway on my IG, I am gifting 5 people a copy of my #groundedandglam Secret Resource Guide. This is a how to resource guide to launching your business with very little capital. It is a downloadable PDF that I sell for $25 but 5 lucky winners get it free. Don't forget to enter here!
Thank you all again for being here with me. I appreciate you.
Love + Light,
I love your point of view! It’s a blessing for sure.
Definitely agree that this time should be an awakening for us all. Also love these ideas!
Thanks for sharing these! What a great giveaway!
Wow these are some great ideas! Will definitely be putting this post to use this week. Thanks for sharing!
Love to hear what you’re up to! It definitely is some crazy times we’re in and we are all doing our best to adjust! Love to see all the things you’re doing in you time, gives some great inspiration!