One Love Movement Luncheon at The Estancia La Jolla Hotel + Spa

Dear Soulcialites,

Last Monday I was honored to attend a beautifully curated luncheon and represent San Diego influencers for a good cause. This event was held at the uber trendy Mustangs and Burros, the restaurant inside the chic and glam Estancia La Jolla Hotel + Spa. It was so lovely to be able to enjoy the afternoon, connect with other women in business, eat some delicious food and even get creative and do some art! Let me get a little more into this incredible non profit organization we were there to support . . .

The One Love Movement is a global non profit on a mission to spread kindness and awareness. Their quest is to raise money for various organizations that work with children in need. They fully embody their motto "turning compassion into action" and work with shelters, schools, orphanages, with everything from rehabbing victims of sex trafficking, education and support for teenage mothers, taking inner city youth on field trips to explore other areas they might not have a chance to other wise and transitioning foster care youth coming out of the system and into adulthood. They also educate the youth in LGBTQ matters. This is just the tip of the iceberg of the good they do and the giving back and this is just in San Diego. On a global scale, they have gone to places like India, Puerto Rico, Tanzania, Haiti and South Korea to help the children in need there too. As a mom, an empath and a human, just hearing about the changes they are helping make hits my heart chakra so deeply and I am so grateful for an organization like this to be advocating for those in such great need. It takes a special person with a heart this big to create such a movement of humanity on such a worldwide scale, this special person is founder Kim Bauman

The luncheon itself was supporting a partnership for the month of February between One Love Movement and The Estancia La Jolla Hotel + Spa. This month, the hotel will ever so generously be donating a portion of proceeds raised from sales at their restaurant Mustangs + Burros, Spa Estancia and overnight room packages to the charity to help promote awareness. So they gathered us ladies and surely showed us a good time! 

Me: "Feed me fish tacos and wine and tell me I'm pretty."

Myself and other San Diego local influencer and my girl Lilla, as well as extremely talented local artist Jennifer McHughart representing the space Mint Studio joined the founder Kim and her business right hand woman Priscilla for a delicious lunch, some cocktails, some networking, but mostly, some great conversation! If you know me, you know I love when things come full circle and I was so happy to find out the charity is the same one that puts on the huge yoga festival I go to every year in Waterfront Park! The studio also donated a massive canvas for the hotel to have out and allow people to spread their love via their art. So we all got to leave a little of our hearts with it. Of course, I had to include my sons (B+C) . . .

I'd like to send a big THANK YOU to everyone involved in the luncheon event, the charity, the hotel and the partnership between the two. Thank you for having me and allowing me to be apart of the magic you are creating. It really filled my cup on many levels to be there. Below is the info for everyone for you soulcialites to follow along and check out!

One Love Movement: IG + Website 
One Love Movement Founder: Kim Bauman (IG) + podcast
Estancia La Jolla Hotel + Spa: IG + Website
Mint Studio: IG + Website
ME! but you should know that already lol


So, I am *NOT* a style blogger (haha) but I am particularly proud of myself for shopping my own closet for the event. Pre-kids Erin had this crazy notion that you NEED a brand new outfit for every event. Well as I say often, motherhood and being at home with my boys and building my business from scratch has handed me a BIG slice of humble pie and I have had to get resourceful. I am also trying to be a higher vibe and therefore more sustainable, and let's face it, I have enough clothes to go around! So here's to facing my fear of being photographed wearing the same thing more than once! 



Love + Light,





  • What an amazing venue! So fun!


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