SUPERFOODS! Cacao Magic Smoothie

Hi there beautiful souls,

I LOVE that I can share my daily smoothies with Bryson + he loves them too! We try to do a different superfood  recipe everyday + one of our faves is The Cacao Magic smoothie from Philosophie. Their Cacao Magic protein powder is made with the most clean, nutrient dense ingredients + tastes just like dark chocolate. It’s organic, raw, gluten free, paleo + no added sugar. Knowing I’m giving my family the highest quality, healthiest, high vibe superfoods makes me one happy mama! Try out all their delicious products + save 10% using our code MissErinM10

Cacao Magic Smoothie Recipe:

8 oz nut milk of choice ( I like to use 5 oz nut milk cashew or coconut almond and throw in about 3 oz of coconut water - I like this consistency better.)

1 TBLSPN of Philosophie Cacao Magic

1 Handful of power greens mix

1frozen banana (tip: cut the banana up and freeze it already cut - MUCH EASIER!)

1 TSPN of coconut oil

! TSPN of coconut butter - I like to use the Philosophie Cacao Magic one for this recipe.

1 TSPN of flax seed oil

1 TSPN raw honey

ice to taste


Sprinkle sea salt and cinnamon on top to taste!


Did you also notice my mermaid straw? Bye to low vibe plastic and YASSSSSS to reusable straws! Use code misserinm for 10% off your first order + you can buy it here!


Love + Light,



Photo Cred: @misserinm 




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